
Showing posts from February, 2019

Calligram Project

Calligram Project "Advice to a Son" - Ernest Hemingway  This calligram was inspired by my favorite poem written by the great Ernest Hemingway. His short poem, "Advice to a Son" is written repeatedly in different fonts depending on the person. The Father (figure on the left) has a clear poem written inside because he is the one offering it to his son. Symbolizing that he is wise and understands life better. The Son (figure on the right) has smaller font written inside him to symbolize that the advice is still unclear in him as he still has a long life to live. The poem is simple, clean, and precise which was why I created the image as such. Rather than adding complicated colors and doing more than needed, I stuck to keeping it transparent as Hemingway lived his life.

Trippy Underwater Turtle

  Hours: 7 I decided to create an underwater landscape with a few sea creatures and an anchor. I drew my inspiration from my love for the ocean, and my love for the environment. The "trippy turtle" has a colorful shell and green limbs. He is accompanied by a grey stingray swimming above. The black anchor can be seen in the bottom right. Additionally, a little pink starfish can be seen in the bottom left. The bubbles are to help accent that it is underwater rather than above the sea. The project took me roughly seven hours to complete, but I enjoyed the struggle of mashing colors and creating different textures. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <script> window.onload = function() { var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); //variables var x1 =0; var y1 =0; var x2 =750; var y2 =500; var rectx1 = 0; var recty1 = 0; var rectwidth1 = 800; var rectheight1 = 6...